A Rare Amazonian Butterfly Named After Sir David Attenborough


A rare Amazonian butterfly named after Sir David Attenborough

This rare butterfly was named for a man who has spent much of his time surrounded by these wing critters, Sir David Attenborough. It is a remarkable specimen that resides only within a [...]

Woman Faces Up To 10 Years In Jail For Feeding Water To Pigs


Woman faces up to 10 years in Jail for feeding water to pigs

Anita Krajnc is the co-founder of Toronto Pig Save, a vegetarian organization that holds vigils for animals on their way to slaughter. She clashed with the driver of a vehicle carrying pigs to a [...]

Cambodian Boys Broke The Jar To Rescue A Cow


Cambodian Boys Broke the jar to rescue a Cow

It’s like a funny story to hear a cow can get into the jar. But it happens! Cambodian boys broke the jar to rescue a cow which fell into the jar overnight. No one knows what make the cow fall into [...]

10 Pictures Of Animals That Make The World More Beautiful


10 pictures of animals that make the world more beautiful

The world we live in consists of many colorful things like nature and animals. Some look adorable and some scary by its nature. They are not only different in species, but also in color which [...]

A Cat Went To The Neighbor To Borrow Toy
A Cat Went To The Neighbor To Borrow Toy


A cat went to the neighbor to borrow toy

It made my day to see that a cat can borrow a toy from the neighbor. It seems not just looking for toy to have fun but also for new friend. He needs friend. Help him find one! [...]

Characteristics Of Green Anacondas


Characteristics of Green anacondas

Anaconda or Eunectes Murinus, in scientific name, is a member of boa family. South America’s green anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Green anacondas can raise to more than 8.8 meters, weigh more than 227 kilograms, and [...]

The Indian National Animal


The Indian National Animal

Bengal tigers are the most common tiger and figure about half of all wild tigers. They live in India and are sometimes called Indian Tigers. They are the Indian national animals. Over numerous centuries they have come to be a sign [...]

Top 3 Dangerous Insects In The World


Top 3 Dangerous insects in the world

Fist of the list is starting from number 3 insects, the Tsetse Fly. It is a kind of blood sucking insects responsible for transmission of a disease called sleeping sickness. They live in mid continental Africa and are fed by anima [...]

A Brazilian Family Shares Rooms With Tigers
A Brazilian Family Shares Rooms With Tigers


A Brazilian family shares rooms with tigers

Tiger is one of the most dangerous animals in the world, but one family takes it as their pet. Ary Borges and his family are living in Maringa, Brazil. They have 7 tigers in the house [...]

Man Successfully Kisses The King Of Cobra
Man Successfully Kisses The King Of Cobra


Man Successfully Kisses the King of Cobra

Playing with snake is dangerous for most people. It can kill you in a minute or make you to become the disable in mentality. However, it may be possible for some people who know the nature of snake [...]